(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

ricziricz napisał/a:

Przed apdejtem w starym biosie VBXE było włączone i działało.

Are you sure of this? As I frequently write: old BIOS didn't care if there was a VBXE in the machine but would still let you choose $D6xx, $D7xx, or OFF for VBXE. If VBXE option doesn't show up in the new BIOS menu it means the decoding address is NOT under the control of the VB pin.


(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Once again, the old BIOS didn't know or care whether the VB pin was connected to anything, or if VBXE was connected to the wrong pin. So there's a good chance that things which seem not to work with the new BIOS never worked in the first place. I already saw this with numerous U-Switch/Stereo installations. "My stereo cannot be toggled with the new BIOS, but it worked before". Turns out it never worked in the first place, but the original BIOS gave no indication of any problem since it didn't test the hardware.


(20 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

PBI BIOS displayed a version notice when SDX is enabled (on cold powerup when SDX bank = 0) from very early versions too.


(20 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

lemiel napisał/a:

Za jakiś czas może pojawi się tool diagnostyczny od FJC w którym może będzie to sprawdzane.
Ja nie umiem sprawdzić PBI - nie wiem co sprawdzać.

Memory and System->SpartaDOS X->Enabled
PBI BIOS Setup->PBI BIOS->Enabled
PBI BIOS Setup->Hard Disk->Enabled
Advanced Settings->PBI BIOS Notice->Enabled

Save and Exit->Save changes and boot

If you see "Ultimate PBI v.x.xx" at the top of the screen, you have the most recent CPLD.


(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

What is suspicious about bootable ATRs? Is there something about them that you find untrustworthy? :D

Graphical OS is ROM-based, but you're free to ignore it if you want and use the space for a 320KB build of SDX. I'll refrain from further comparisons between a pre-emptively multi-tasking Graphical OS with overlapping windows, inter-process messaging, micro-kernel, etc, with TRS Desktop, since I doubt that will end well. Fortunately there's plenty of software available for those who appreciate nice colours. :)

In response to your question, you may read about GUI project here:


I'll make a ROM available for Ultimate shortly on my website - hopefully this weekend.

Meanwhile, hopefully GUI advertising won't send us too far off-topic.


(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Yansen napisał/a:

http://atari8.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/ … a-BIOS.zip

Otwórz przeczytaj.

Potem oceniaj.

Please use versions posted in AA topic. I was asked to carefully document each fix in changelog, which I'm doing in recent versions. Website will be updated soon, but my second pair of hands is missing right now. ;)


(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

stRing napisał/a:

Wersja 0.45 nie działała mi z SIO2BT, a dokładniej - nie resetowało "na zimno" z klawiatury SHIFT+RESET. Musiałem powrócić do wersji 0.24. Czy było coś z tym robione przy wyższych wersjach?

No clue what could be wrong with SIO2BT: check high-speed SIO settings, I guess. Shift+Reset problem is a known bug, since the function clashes with partition table re-read (also on Shift+Reset). Thanks for reminder: need to fix that.


(24 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)



(24 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Just received rather officious email from Konrad pointing out that ARC is missing. Pure human error: I must have removed it by accident using SDX Imaging tool while deleting all the MAN files.

Will fix later today.


(1 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

It's possible to make a replacement using sheet aluminium, a laser printer, and a flat iron. I have done so before. If you can find no alternative, I can attempt to fabricate one when I find time.


(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Incognito build:

http://atariage.com/forums/topic/240034 … try3391400


(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Ultimate update, including new loader:

http://atariage.com/forums/topic/240034 … try3389841

Incognito versions to follow.


(116 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

So, can this be employed with VBXE to get a steady 640x400 16 colour display?


(345 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Thank you, but no: neither the Ultimate PBI BIOS nor SDX soft-driver for SIDE (nor any of the tools) require PBI.SYS. ;)


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Thank you very much. ;)


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

Yes - it's unfinished so feel free not to leap out of your chair in excitement. :) The idea is to run GUI software, not the entire Atari back-catalogue of legacy titles. Think GEOS, SymbOS, etc. Of course this will rely on people writing software for it. If they do - great, if not - well, I will still have achieved the original objectives.

There's an existing thread for this, BTW:



(13 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

Someone told me that there's an issue running the GUI demo and SDX together? GUI is 128KB and SDX is usually 256KB. GUI needs a 192KB SDX ROM (which is what's included on the complete ROM I published). If you happen to flash the standard 256KB SDX build to that ROM, problems will start. UFlash is able to change the expected size of SDX from 256KB to 192KB and back again, but unless you're able to create an SDX ROM of a suitable size, you'll have troubles. I'm told a future version of the SDX Imager will allow for seamless alteration of the SDX ROM size.


(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Incognito BIOS is new available in the same thread, or here:



(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

skrzyp napisał/a:

Also, what is a software license of that BIOS?

Good question. I will let you know when I find out whether the firmware will end up pre-installed on a commercially marketed product. ;)


(78 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Please find a new beta main BIOS and PBI BIOS for the Ultimate 1MB:

http://atariage.com/forums/topic/240034 … incognito/

Incognito to follow shortly. A few features are incomplete but most things are 100 per cent working.


(10 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

Hardware designer could not agree with author of SDX driver on how to decode RTC data. :)


(79 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

I asked about some bugs which were reported before but the information I was given was difficult to understand even following translation and my general invitation for other users to test and report went by without a single response. Konrad and I debugged the partition editor quite extensively in previous years, so if new problems exist, I would be delighted to address them if I can be given detailed descriptions/screenshots of the issues and instructions on how to duplicate them. Beyond that I can do nothing at all, I'm afraid.


(79 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Usage of FDISK is hardly confined to SIDE alone, which is why I put the application on the IDE Plus 2.0 SDX image on my website (as well as the SDX ROMs for SIDE and Ultimate). As far as the partition editor is concerned, IDE Plus and SIDE are functionally identical.

There are however a number of device-specific tools aimed at SIDE/Ultimate 1MB which are not relevant to IDE Plus, etc.

In any case: if you're interested, please drop me an email so we can organize things. ;)


(79 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

I'll put together updated customised ROMs with FDISK over the weekend and these will be hosted at atari8.co.uk as per usual. I've no objections to the tools being included on the official ROMs or toolkit disks, but was simply never asked the question yet. In any case, FDISK 4.5 just takes up room on the CAR: device so in some ways it just makes sense to use the tools from the APT Toolkit ATR.


(106 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

willy napisał/a:

I have an idea.

When we only have 64KB of base memory, and everything else is addressed through a little banking window

I guess it should be possible to reprogram Ultimate 1M and its integrated MMU to switch whole 64 kB or at least bigger memory window, and/or page 1 (stack).

Would it help?

That would have helped enormously. Even something as simple as a second banking window (say, $8000-$BFFF) would make life a lot easier. The Amstrad CPC has a fairly flexible banking scheme (described in the SymbOS docs), but unfortunately on the A8 we must work with what we're given. The best way to use more than a single bank on the A8 is to compile an application in multiple segments which run at absolute address $4000 and use inter-bank jumps so that the code which needs to access data in bank n is also in bank n. That's one way to accomplish large applications. The other way to access allocated RAM is of course indirectly, which will be slow. Fortunately I intend the control toolkit to be rich enough that the UI does most of the hard work (for example, if you want a text editor with a 16KB buffer, put a multi-line text control in your window, allocate 16KB of RAM, and pass that to the text control). The great thing about having the window server running on a cartridge is that it can access all banked RAM without limitation. Same with the kernel and most of the other services. Drivers in RAM become a bit tricky, especially since MADS only allows a single segment per relocatable binary, but overcoming these things is part of the drama. :)