(13 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

I have buyed some OPL3+DAC
and I will do PCBs...
So anyone :D (superb music coder which will do OPL3 FM tracker) want

A co to jest YMari???

I envy MSX2 MOONBLASTER with OPL4 and their tracker!

When Z80 people can do it. We can do it too!


(315 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

pajero napisał/a:

Jeśli chcesz zrobić sobie obudowę .... nie wzoruj się na tym ;)


Nice case! Looks strong. You can take it on Acheron (LV-426). Looks solid. Will survive :D.


(315 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Sikor we need ethernet or wifi cart and ataribook.atr!!! :D
I miss BBS times too!


(0 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

What about to have 3Euro VBXE chip???

There are some companies which are producing ASIC from FPGA.
And that ASIC are 40% faster... So what about ASIC VBXE???
Problem is that they produce min. 10000 pieces for 35000USD.
So can be VBXE used on C64? Or Apple2??? Or NES? Or another 6502???
When yes maybe kickstarter/indiegogo crowdfunding can this happen.
Or maybe One-Chip ATARI800!!! As One-Chip-NES was...
Do you remember TV-GAMES (NES) from flea market???
Yep. There was NES on one chip.
So maybe whole ATARI for 3Euro. For TV games. A800 gameboy.
Or Atari SBC like Raspberry PI.
Etc etc... Arduino is successful. Its 8bit. So why not Atari800?

Crazy idea? Maybe its right trend for future to keep our platform alive!


http://www.tekmos.com/products/replacin … break-even


(315 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Please join:

Hello friends I have made FB blog here lets socialize / put news / screenshots there too:

uicr0Bee napisał/a:

Atari XL/XE: Ultimate1MB, VBXE, stereo, SIO2SD, IDEa, SIO2IDE, SIC!, SIDE2
Atari 800: Incognito

Not really interested in commercial games, unless released on a cartridge.
As for me, a good practice is free version downloadable for everyone and paid version on a cartridge.

Maybe Shareware model: 10 levels for free and another 90 for 5 Euro...
Cartridges are way to go. But 1mb are still expensive (maybe very limited edition 10 pieces for collectors)...
Also for masochists there will be very limited edition of 20 turbo 2000 tapes for collectors too (90minutes tape is cca 1-2mb)...
But main medium will be ATR,XEX download from internet or on CD by post...

I am wondering how many of you have Ultimate 1MB or another 1mb or 4mb upgrade plus stereo pokey sound and fast loading from SD or sio2USB or similar device... I am doing little research. And how many of you will be able to pay 20-40PLN (zloty) for game using 1MB every half of year.Its good information not only for me but for others too.With new 1088xel/ĚclaireXL this will be quasi-standard...So lets use XEL word for such game/app specs...When there will be 20-30 people.

For example: It will be reasonable for me doing sprites, pixelart, music, soundeffects every day (4:00-6:00).
Also coders I know will have real motivation for putting together my games. Same or similar scenario will works for your
projects too. 

I own: 1x Ultimate 1mb, Raster Stereo, Raster SDrive all in Atari130XE

Sister link on ATARIAGE:
http://atariage.com/forums/topic/264751 … sers-list/

ATARIAGE LIST 24.april.2017:
Paul Westphal
_The Doctor__
*CharlieChaplin (512K)


(20 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Peticia neaktualna. Lebo jest to same jak 1088XEL...


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 16/32bit)

As I use Linux. I dont need windows keys or other keys (I can define my own). Anyways there are lot of remapping software. Also you can remap multiple keys into one.

For example here is SharpKeys (for windows).

They will write remapped keyboard to registry...

But there are 100 of them...


(4 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 16/32bit)

I find this Arduino solution:


https://github.com/devonshire/arduino-a … d-keyboard
https://github.com/planeturban/arduino- … d-keyboard

Blog how to wire etc


(0 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Have you seen Serda Waveblaster module?
Maybe we can use it in same way as cheap but powerful soundcard for our little ATARI.
Pokey will be for effects and Waveblaster for music.

How it sounds?

Interface? Via internal MIDI??? Here is Atari ST.

XE/XL midi?

What you think???

Duke Nukem 3D

MIDI tracker:
lowcost - RF1MidiTracker
free - MIDItrk



Tip for Toriman: SAMari???


(20 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

For now lets XE-R8 will be just standard for:

- Atari 65XE/130XE800XE or 800XL
- 1MB RAM or more (Ultimate 1MB, Satantronic 1MB, Antonia 4MB)
- VBXE x.x
- 2x Pokey (Final Stereo, Raster Stereo, )
- SDrive or SIO2SD
- SONARI soundcard cartridge (or similar product)

Same as XE-R8 + 658c16 (Rapidus, F7 Turbo, Hyperspeed, Drac030 XL)

And later we will make board :D.
I will ask Jookie, Lotharek when this standard will be established...

So game cartridges or apps on www will have:
XE/XL - 64kb, stereo

Something similar exist on ZX,MSX etc...

So everyone will know when there will be XE-R8 so game will use VBXE, 1MB ram, Pokey+AY+FM, huge ATR up to 16MB...


(20 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

6 signatures only in 1 day! Thanks!
https://www.change.org/p/lotharek-renew … compatible
Anyone from Poland??? To support this idea?

I want to put modern miniITX board into Atari ST (not working) case.
And install there BeeKey (Aramym distro).
https://sites.google.com/site/emaappsar … eavailable

Anyone got scheme / firmware (atmel,pic) or this adapter?


(31 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

For AY/YM there is ARKOS tracker:

https://sites.google.com/site/undocumen … aha/ymf297
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/pcm1723/searchdia … BYMF297%5D


(20 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Hello friends!

I am looking at site where are brand new German C64 reloaded and Czech ZX48k Sparrow motherboards:
https://icomp.de/shop-icomp/en/shop/pro … oaded.html
http://www.8bity.cz/2015/nahrada-desky- … rrow-lite/

And I am dreaming about Atari version little bit...

Lets brainstorm whole concept...

ATARI XE RENEW motherboard (aka Atari XE-R):

My dream is to have 65XE/800XE eci motherboard but with brand new PCB and some brand new parts:

- 6502 (overclockable to 3,58MHz??? Or maybe latter with Rapidus 65c816???)
- VBXE 2.x
- Stereo Final Pokey Upgrade or TK-2 stereo with PS/2 keyboard?
- Ultimate 1MB (with SpartaDOS+QMEG) or maybe Antonia 4MB upgrade?
- Build in internal SIDE - compact flash interface (works as internal SSD/HDD)
- HDMI video out
- 2x golden cich audio out
- Build in SDrive or Sio2SD?
- Build in SONARI (opl3+AY) soundcard or SoundBoard? + COVOX
- white PCB
- 1x led Power 1x led SD loading 1x led playing stereo

New parts+old parts together.

How should it works?
You will pay and send your old: 800XE,65XE,130XE motherboard to RENEW company or team. And recieve Atari XE-R motherboard from them.

This XE-R will create brand new standard (like AMIGA 500plus or MSX2+ was) so everyone will have same specs. So higly optimized amazing games, demos or apps will be working on everyones ATARI XE-R.

Here is my petition for this:
https://www.change.org/p/lotharek-renew … compatible



(12 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

I am interested in I have 3x pc port gamepad and 1x pc port quickshot joystick


(31 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

How much will OPL3+AY/YM cart cost?


(31 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Hello Seban. I want 2 (or 4) of those YM+OPL combo! Also maybe battery+sram+microUSB (PC uploading) can there be in next version for build in tracker/sequence... So you will switch on and you will be in tracker. Pokey+YM+OPL3. If there is any place in FPGA for that.

OPL3 is not so hard to buy in Asia. Anyways for future:

So AY+OPL3 should be in FPGA + flash or bat-sram and we will have new cart for apps or games using enhanced sound as on MSX is. Google FMpack...


(14 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

As new Pokey schematics are public. Maybe FPGA for quadpokey + 1x real Pokey for mono will be not so bad idea. So we will have small board eating few V and playing 4AAAA or 8 for stereoAABB or 16 channels quatro ABCD.


(131 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

Ja mam Technika TV made in Turkey. Barzo spokony som. Kupovane v Tesco Store.
VGA, HDMI, Composite, RF, Scart... Simply everything.


(14 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)


I have written to:
- Candle (His pokey upgrade supports 4x pokey - v3)
- Jaskier (author of TMC2)

I am waiting for reply. If you know them personally can you
be so kind and ask them for PCB sources? I will send them 2x PCB
back or buy pizza, beer on demoparty or pay little money for scheme...



(14 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

lemiel napisał/a:

Evie miala 4 Pokeye ale już nie ma...

There are old Evie cores with 4Pokeys??? I do not need AY or SID.
But best will to have just normal upgrade with real pokeys like stereo was.
Quadro Pokey Final or so...

Tu jest Quad Pokey Eliminator pre Atari Arcade:
There was Quad Pokey on one chip too in Arcade systems:
But those single chip versions are very rare... But probably will fit best...

Tu jest all Atari chips database:

Quad is C024425!!! There was stereopokey in one package Porkey C020574.

I need nonupgraded Atari 520STM. My one got 1MB hardwired. And I just buyed Xtra RAM 2MB module...
When you live near Slovakia. I can make trip by train...