Temat: Interesting version of ROBBO

Hi, my friend sends me many xex files, it looks like modified robbo :)

Post's attachments

Robbo 4.xex 34.32 kb, liczba pobrań: 13 (od 2024-02-13) 

robbo4a.png 64.7 kb, liczba pobrań: 1 (od 2024-02-13) 

robbo4b.png 97.01 kb, nikt jeszcze nie pobierał tego pliku. 

Tylko zalogowani mogą pobierać załączniki.
ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers


Odp: Interesting version of ROBBO

It looks heaviky modified custom build from Ukraine, Kiyev.
I can see new elements in the game field.



Odp: Interesting version of ROBBO

w1k napisał/a:

Hi, my friend sends me many xex files, it looks like modified robbo :)

Well... I prefer the original version ;)

Atari 65XE, U1MB, Sophia2, AVG Cart, SIO2SD


Odp: Interesting version of ROBBO

yes, but i share it only for interesting

ATARI 800XE with u1mb, stereo, covox, ramdisk hell led, ultra video 1.0 XE.
SIO2SD, SIDE3, sio2usb, sio splitter, dragon cart, lantronix mss-100, fujinet (lotharek), rverter, A8PicoCart, BT-100, XC12 (T2000), XC12 (SUPER TURBO, TURBO D), both with internal speakers


Odp: Interesting version of ROBBO

And what's your opinion about this version?

Atari 65XE, U1MB, Sophia2, AVG Cart, SIO2SD


Odp: Interesting version of ROBBO

@w1k: thanks for uploading this version. This is very interesting artifact from the past!


Odp: Interesting version of ROBBO

Someone has been a little bit too hasty on the difficulty level...