Odp: SpartaDOS X 4.39RC już do wzięcia

It wouldn't really need to be partition compatible with MyIDE.  I'm not familiar with KMK/JZ, but if it were partitioned similar to it, only the low level hardware drivers would need to be written.

It seems like KMKJZ is the best IDE interface there is, but MyIDE is convienently all on a cart. I have a 256M flash IDE drive plugged into mine.  The whole DOS /IDE cart is totally portable, no need to modify the computer, just plug it in.

That's what I'd like to see.

I'll be happy to provide any help I can.



Odp: SpartaDOS X 4.39RC już do wzięcia

Kyle22 napisał/a:

I'll be happy to provide any help I can.

What I need are MyIDE OS procedures which perform typical SIO commands on MyIDE (like reading/writing a sector 1-65535, getting drive status, percom etc.). There is another bad issue: even if there is a MyIDE driver in SDX, the programs which access drive sectors directly (via OS) and bypass the DOS, will not function with MyIDE without MyIDE OS. So I think the best solution is still installing MyIDE OS chip and using OS SIO mode with SDX 4.39.

SDX 4.39 works fine on it when patched to bank at $D52x

There are some functions in SDX which cannot be patched easily (like X or CAR commands). However, there will be no problem preparing another version of SDX 4.40 for this type of bankswitching.

The whole DOS /IDE cart is totally portable, no need to modify the computer, just plug it in.

With KMKJZ/IDE and other PBI HDD interfaces (BlackBox, MSC, MIO) you only need an Atari with PBI (800XL) or ECI (130XE) connector.  The interfaces are used then in plug&play manner. No modification or additional software necessary!

trub napisał/a:

mam nadzieję że tym razem pójdzie lepiej

Kurde, nie odczepił się... ;)


Odp: SpartaDOS X 4.39RC już do wzięcia

That won't help us 1200XL users... (No PBI or ECI).

I have been disassembling the OS routines.  I'll let you know when I get the read / write isolated.  Percom is another story, I don't think the original OS supports Percom.  It should be simple to add it, though.

Programs that use Sparta I/O shouldn't need to access sectors directly. 

I understand this isn't a total solution for the IDE system, but, it would be a cheap, portable system, especially for 1200XL users.



Odp: SpartaDOS X 4.39RC już do wzięcia

OK, I have written a MYIDE.SYS driver for SDX that almost works.  I can assign drives, read, and write to the IDE drive.  It's still quite buggy, and I'm working on it.  I was able to copy MAC65.COM onto it, and C:>X MAC65 and it works.  I re-booted, and loaded MAC65 again (using X) and it worked again.

  It's going to take me a while to get back into the details of SDX... It's been 10 years or so since I worked on any of the SDX source code, and that was vers. 4.22.

  I'll send the driver up here when I get it to work at least semi-reliable.



Odp: SpartaDOS X 4.39RC już do wzięcia

Kyle22 napisał/a:

OK, I have written a MYIDE.SYS driver for SDX that almost works.

That's great :)

I was able to copy MAC65.COM

Which assembler do you use for the driver ? It should support SDX binaries (like mads or hcasm). Otherwise, you can send me the code (trub@atari8.info) and I will adjust it to the relocatable assembler.


Odp: SpartaDOS X 4.39RC już do wzięcia

I'm using the mads assembler.  I'll send the code as soon as it's a little cleaner... it looks really bad now.  I need to do something about timeouts using RTCLOCK instead of just waiting in a loop until not busy.  Partition tables need work...  I'm using some ideas from Bob Woolley, (he helped us a lot back in the day).

When I get time off work, I'll dig in to this some more.

I was just glad to see it work!

If you don't mind sloppy, bad code, and could help with partition tables & stuff, I'll send the code as it is.
