Temat: How to participate at ABBUC compo...

Hello folks,
sorry for talking english again, but I do not speak polish language (not at all)... and you all know how lousy the babelfish translation is... anyway, I guess there is some kind of mis-information or mis-understanding on how to take part at the ABBUC compo, so I will try to make things clear(er) for you here...

1) You do not take part at the ABBUC compo automatically - even if you wrote a program (game, application, etc.) and posted it somewhere for download...

2) instead you have to contact the ABBUC Software Ressort  (softwareatabbucpointde, where at is @ and point is . ) and send an e-mail with *your* program - meaning you have to be the author or at least one of the authors and of course we need the e-mail so we can contact you after the contest...

3) to participate at the ABBUC contest, your program *must not* have been released before (in full/final version) anywhere else (you can read this in the rules: ABBUC want the right of a premiere-release on its magazine!) and it must be send in before the deadline; but after the contest is over (lets say in November, usually even a few days before) you can make your program freely available anywhere you wish...

4) We will then "convert" your program (game, application, tool/utility or DOS) to a real 5,25" Atari diskette and test it on a 64k and 128k machine. If the program works at least on one of these machines, it will be registered officially for the contest...

5) when the deadline is over (end of august), the contest programs will be released on the ABBUC magazine(s) (end of september) and finally there will be the voting, decision and prizing at the annual ABBUC meeting (end of october)... the monetary prizes will be send via international bank account a few days later...

So here you have it. It is not enough to release a game on any Atari homepage, Atari forum or Atari news-server and then wonder why it does not take part atthe ABBUC contest. You have to *send in* (e-mail, snail-mail) your program to ABBUC and hide it (at least the full version) until the contest is over... So, if you were / still are wondering that there were no polish programs in the ABBUC contest 2006, the answer is simple: No-one from the polish Atari scene did send any programs to ABBUC for the software contest. Enough said. Hopefully there will be more participants from Poland at the ABBUC software contest 2007...    greetings, Andreas Magenheimer.

P.S.: If you still have questions, feel free to contact the ABBUC Software Ressort...