Temat: W Austrii nie tylko mecze...

...ale i demoscena. Zostalem poproszony o napisanie artykulu o polskiej demoscenie przez tych oto ludzi: http://www.dvision.at/cms/
Prosbe kierowala osobiscie Regina Webhofer - organizatorka calosci. Niestety, musialem odmowic, poniewaz jestem teraz w tyglu egzaminow i nie mam czasu na napisanie solidnego artykulu, a co wazniejsze znajdzie sie wiele osob, ktore o polskiej scenie Atari (i nie tylko) wiedza o niebo wiecej ode mnie. Mysle, ze to naprawde dobra okazja, zeby zaprezentowac polskie osiagniecia scenowe na Atari. Kto wiec moze i chce, niech usiadze i napisze cos ciekawego. Nie ma zadnych konkretnych wymagan co do tresci albo dlugosci artykulu poza jednym: deadline jest 15 czerwca, a wiec za tydzien.

Tutaj cytuje szczegoly propozycji:

>We're contacting you regarding a collaboration between ZINE & [d]vision
> where we think you could assist us:

> There already exist several articles about the development of demoscene in
> terms of different computer platforms - such as: Amiga demoscene / Atari
> demoscene etc.  (e.g. black market). Although the demoscene is an
> international phenomenon from the very beginning, there were / are also
> country related (political) issues which influenced the development of the
> local demoscenes: in eastern countries it was on one hand difficult to get
> the latest hardware but on the other hand software was spread through
> public radio stations; or there are questions like: why was / is the
> demoscene stronger in northern countries than in other parts of Europe?
> Which special relation do Hungarians have with the C64? Why is there not a
> well developed demoscene in US / Silicon Valley? Which big groups /
> productions / parties occurred in different countries and which influence
> did they have regarding to the local but also to the international
> demoscene?
> One major part of ZINE 14 is dedicated to this topic. We'll collect
> articles that give an overview of the historical development of the
> demoscene in different countries. It is planed to have ZINE 14 as part of
> the demoscene exhibition "realtime generation" taking place in Vienna
> MuseumsQuartier 4th - 20th of July 2008.
> And we'd like to ask you if you could provide an overview of such aspects
> of your country. || Deadline 15.06.2008 || write as many pages you want
> || if you like working together with another scener, you are very welcome
> to do so!
> Please let us know as soon as possible since we have to get going on this
> right away.
> If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Please
> also let us know in case you're not interested in this at all.

Prowadzę stronę dla obłąkanych: http://atari.online.pl/

Odp: W Austrii nie tylko mecze...

Dodatkowe informacje od Reginy w sprawie imprezy scenowej ktora odbedzie sie w Wiedniu (18-20 lipca). Ceny noclegow przystepne, wiec moze ktos sie skusi. Podaje w calosci:

We made arrangements with some hotels listed below to get discounted prices for demosceners. All hotels are located in the 7th and 8th district near the famous Vienna Ringstraße (verlinken: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringstra%C3%9Fe ) in walking distance to the festival locations MuseumsQuartier and metalab.

In order to get cheaper prices please tell the keyword "DVISION" when you do the booking. Please do the booking as soon as possible!
ACADEMIA Hotelbetriebsges. m.b.H.
Pfeilgasse 3a
1080 Wien,
Tel: +43 1 40176 55
Fax: +43 1 40176 20
E-Mail: reservation@academiahotels.at
Internet: www.academiahotels.at
Prices per night / person incl. breakfast:
- singel room: 27 Euro
- double room: 22 Euro
(common shower and toilet on the corridor)

Hotel ATLAS***,
Lerchenfelder Straße 1-3,
1070 Wien
Tel: +43 1 40176 55
Fax: +43 1 40176 20
E-Mail: reservation@academiahotels.at
Internet: www.academiahotels.at
Prices per night / person incl. breakfast:
- singel room (bath & toilet): 56 Euro
- double room (bath & toilet): 39,9 Euro

Jugendherberge - Wien-Myrthengasse                                                                   ..
Myrthengasse 7
A-1070 WIEN
Tel: 0043-1-523 63 16
Fax: 0043-1-523 58 49
email: hostel@chello.at
onlinereservierung: http://www.oejhv.or.at/quartier/1070/1070.htm
Price per night/person incl. breakfast and sheets (no towels !)
- 4-6 bedded-room: 17 Euro

There are 20 free sleeping places available for sceners who can not afford the hotel costs. These sleeping places are only available after pre-registration. Please get in touch with organisers: rw@dvision.at"

Prowadzę stronę dla obłąkanych: http://atari.online.pl/