Temat: Team VBXE

What about "Team VBXE"???
VBXE+Rapidus+Ultimate1M+2xPokey+(YMari???) demogroup?
To support VBXE+65c816 and motivate people to buy it.
YMari too - when there will be OPL3 module player (music made in DOS Adlibtracker2 and
play on Atari+YMari)...

Using full VBXE resolutions / colors... And POKEY for music or sound effects.
YMari for music or sound effects.

So demos will be more colorful, more like on STE/AMIGA/MSX2.

I can do:
Pixelart in GRAFX2 (->graph2font,ataristudio)
Music in RMTtracker+Adlibtracker2

Some demos,intros,musicdisks,games...

Ostatnio edytowany przez Matej (2017-06-27 22:15:21)

7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX


Odp: Team VBXE

Less expensive option is to purchase an Amiga. Think about it.

I Ty zostaniesz big endianem...


Odp: Team VBXE

AMIGA - no thanks!
I have 4MB STE. So I dont need Amiga. Also I have PowerPC MAC 2xG5/8gb ram/256MB GPU/1TB HDD with MorphOS. So I dont really need any AMIGA at home. Maybe A500+Vampire+EmuTOS to have 100MHz ST.
MIKER - welcome!
Miker you are in! I know that you can do POKEY miracles!!! Anyone else?
Little inspiration 65c816 Apple2GS demo (I dont say its perfect but this is how VBXE+Rapidus demos will looks like):

Ostatnio edytowany przez Matej (2017-06-27 22:59:00)

7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX


Odp: Team VBXE

Sorry but I better stay with my current setup.

I Ty zostaniesz big endianem...


Odp: Team VBXE

What is your current setup?
Mine A130XE, Ultimate 1M, RasterSTEREO, RasterSDrive.
And 1x ST mouse, 1x competition pro joystick.
But I try to learn VBXE graph2font also I play with Altirra...

But I want to have VBXE and RAPIDUS in future...
And will do YMari...

7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX


Odp: Team VBXE

Matej napisał/a:

RAPIDUS in future...

... and maybe fast harddisk interface? Recommended IDE+ rev D or E

ADRES: pin@atari.pl - konto zlikwidowane. Aktualny adres: pin(at)atari8.info


Odp: Team VBXE

A kde moze kupit taky adapter Pinokio???

7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX


Odp: Team VBXE

Kolko moze mat 1 particia???

Ostatnio edytowany przez Matej (2018-03-24 21:11:47)

7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX


Odp: Team VBXE


ADRES: pin@atari.pl - konto zlikwidowane. Aktualny adres: pin(at)atari8.info