(19 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

xxl napisał/a:

ktos to juz gdzies slyszal?
https://megawrzuta.pl/download/f7090d00 … 45ccd.html
muza na playerze ktorego uzywal Richard Munns

Can you share the binary or .sap, pls?


(268 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Sorry to reply so late. The set of films for myself and friends came in perfect condition and mine works like a charm in my 800XE :-).


(268 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Hi Simius, is this keyboard film suitable for the non-Mitsumi keyboards? I have the one that doesn't have the springs under the keys.


(161 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Is there anything new regarding this game? How is the port progressing? Will we see any more teasers in the near future? :-)


(161 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Just my two cents: part of the 1st level on some more platforms for comparison:
1st is the ZX Spectrum version, second is the original Amstrad CPC version and third is the improved CPC Plus version.


(28 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

jellonek napisał/a:

as xxl wroted - there should be up to 29 lighting elements, but on yours table there is more than 40.
btw. that graphic is incredible beauty! from what it's ripped? :)

Thanks, it's been adjusted from the C64 version of the table with regard to atari limitations.


(28 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

This is what I came up with fer years ago:



(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

pr0be napisał/a:

unfortunately this program is only test for PM multiplexer with vscroll+hscroll. I don't have intention to port Turrican...
I just wanted to see how this multiplexer handle games like Turrican... sorry...

Oh, that's s a pity... Still I hope that the engine will be used in some excellent game (even surpassing Crownland ;-)


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Btw. I'd gladly make music for this baby! Huelsbeck covers of course :)


(8 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Oh my god, that's great! My dream comes true :-) Looking forward to the progress of this project!


(75 odpowiedzi, napisanych Zloty)

eru napisał/a:

aha, chciałem pogratulować autorom CROSSOVER - bardzo fajne, i... ja nie wiem jak to działa, że tyle kolorów udaje im się zrobić :)
Kulki mają 40 pixli szerokości, więc jeśli nawet jedna jest na duszkach, to skąd duszki na literki zostały? :)
Nie zaglądałem w kod, ale patrzę,  i nie wiem jak zrobić, a jak takie coś mam, to szacun dla autorów :)

Hi Eru,
Thanks for you compliment, it's really a good credit for us that even eru (oh yeah, THAT eru!) doesn't know how we did it ;-)
Actually, the colours are a cheap GPRIOR trick that uses either the 3rd colour PMG mode and the reinvented GTIA feature that ORs certain playfield colours with certain PMG colours.
Two of the circles are constructed of PMG (1 player and 1 missile for each, with 4x width, forming circular shape by use of DLI) and the third one is drawn in graphics. The logo uses the two remaining players, and we still have two missiles unused :-)


(28 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)


Is there any news regarding this dream project? :-) I'd be glad to help!


(57 odpowiedzi, napisanych Miejsca w sieci)

Here are my ideas, though they are just propositions:
1. Move all the authors from Classics to Various and rename Various to Musicians.
2. In the Games folder cancel division of Classic and Various.
3. Rename Unsorted to Unknown and keep there only songs with completely unknown author.
4. Move the identified songs to Demos and rename Demos to Misc.

The final look would be like this:



(57 odpowiedzi, napisanych Miejsca w sieci)

mazi napisał/a:

Projekt ma byc user friendly. Chyba, ze sie myle...
Chce posluchac na szybko jakiegos utworu z dema, w ktorym autorzy figuruja pod ksywkami, to mam przegladac dodatkowo jakis plik tekstowy?!? Gdzie tu sens i logika?!
Pozatym nikt nie podal zadnego (sensownego rowniez) argumentu, ktory by przemawial za tym by klasyfkowac tworcow po nazwiskach a nie tak jak sie podisywali.

One reason could be the fact that some of the authors changed their nicks during their scene presence. None that I know of have changed their real name.


(57 odpowiedzi, napisanych Miejsca w sieci)

Removing differentiation of Classics and Various is IMHO a good way to go. However, dividing the musicians by nicknames is IMHO not the right way to go. The archive already includes musicians' nicks (following their real names in the AUTHOR tag) so finding an author by his nick is a piece of cake (especially now that we have ASMADB). Therefore I propose the following change:
Musicians/ (or Composers/)

No more Classic/Various division. Such scheme would simplify the archive. The question is, whether the existing scripts for checking SAP files and creating the database would not have too much trouble with this change.


(22 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprawy atari.area)

Sorry, I only found 3 files that are related to atari. The others I have are c64 tunes from e.g. galway and hubbard. I'm sending at least those 3 to your mailboxes :)


(22 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprawy atari.area)

I have a few mid files with 8-bit conversions so if you have a polyphonic mobile phone, I can send you these.


(6 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

We in our company use an application called PicoPhone. It's simple and does exactly what it should :)



(16 odpowiedzi, napisanych Miejsca w sieci)

Cool, but I recommend using PNG or at least GIF format instead of that terrible JPEG logo :-) It will be probably even smaller file, because there are large areas of the same colour :-)

How would you like a graphical operating system with multitasking on an 8-bit atari? :-)
Would anyone be interested in coding such OS?
I would gladly participate on that, with knowledge of operating system theory and some pixel art  :D


(11 odpowiedzi, napisanych Emulacja - 8bit)

1700 SAPs aren't really many, compared to 27000 SIDs in HVSC, but if there are not enough rippers, there are not enough songs. I'm preparing another ASMA update that should come by the end of June, but I only have about 70 new SAPs for it. Therefore ASMA 2.8 will have about 1850 songs. If you want to contribute, do so :-)

Dziękuję w imieniu muzyków  :D  :D
Zobaczę, czy moje moduły grają OK... A jeśli tak, to wkrótce coś napiszę nowego (Voice VII???)

Looking forward to it ;-)