Temat: New Year's Disc 2009

Like the last two years I´d like to get your entries for another edition of the New Year´s Disc.

Every entry is welcome and I´ll try to put all togehter until Januar 1st.
Code what you want, make a picture or a music tune, give us your newest game, even what you want - it even should be for our beloved machine. The aim of this 'contest' is simply haveing fun creating something new and/or haveing fun watching this as a nice start into the new year with our machines.

Send your entry to nyd2009ATppsberlinPUNKTde or simply ad to the atariage-thread for download if you want to show it before deadline...

The contest is NOW open and will end just before the new year arrives, at the end of sylvester eve.

In hope for many entries this time...


atariage-thread: http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.ph … pic=135340


Odp: New Year's Disc 2009

Tradycyjnie z mikerem przygotowujemy interko. Kto chce się dopisać do skrola (po eng. najlepiej) przesyła tekst do mnie w nieprzekraczalnym terminie 24.12 br. Później mogę już nie mieć czasu na kodowanie.

Czy możecie wyjaśnić, Stirlitz, dlaczego wasz służbowy adres stirlitz@rsha.gov.de ma aliasa justas@gru.su?
Nie czytam PM. Proszę używać e-mail.


Odp: New Year's Disc 2009

Animkomials just sent their entry via miker, so we have at least 12 different screens, intros, animations and games!

Prepare for a nice start into 2009!

Just some time to have an own entry at the discs ;)


Odp: New Year's Disc 2009


I did some word by word translating of what we say here in German, hope it is right:

Zdrowego Nowego Roku! Gesundes Neues Jahr! Happy New Year!

The disc is released...