Temat: Moleman 2 - The Art of the Algorithms (2012)

primo raz - nie wiem czy juz było (wczoraj oglądaliśmy na sztabie)
primo dwa, wstawiłem w tym dziale by było widoczne na pierwszej stronie.

Otóż jest do pobrania, film dokumentalny o scenie i środowsku scenowym, zrealizowany prze Węgrów, w dużej częsci o węgierskiej scenie, ale także z udziałem scenowców z innych krajów (są i Polacy a V0yager jest wszedzie, aż strach otworzyć puszkę ;) ) Uprzedzam SILNE LOBBY C64 i PC :D

Teraz bedzie w inglisz, wprost ze strony oficjalnej:

In the 1980's, something changed the world forever. Computer technology, mostly due to the appearance of affordable Commodore 64's, entered households worldwide, providing the opportunity for everyone to create digital art. But existing art forms weren't the only ones to be re-implemented on these computers; brand new forms of art also appeared, ones thought to be impossible up to that point. Computers provided an opportunity for the creator to produce visuals and sound effects and combine them to create the ultimate audiovisual experience, by using only the language of mathematics and writing program code, without physical interaction. As a result of such techniques, demos were born, and with them, the demoscene subculture. A demo can best be understood as a spectacular animated music video which is usually a few minutes long. And yet it's something entirely different from a traditional video. Computer technics is the fastest developing part of our world, which produces more and more new opportunities for art. Moleman shows you now a digital subculture, where artists don't use always the latest technology, but their aim is also to bring out the best from 30 year-old computer technics. 

About Moleman 2

Moleman 2 – Demoscene – The Art of the Algorithms (2012)

HD, colour, 90′

Moleman 2 is about the demoscene subculture, told by mostly Hungarian sceneres, but it features also some other nationalities.

As an impact of the spreading of computer technology, some new art sections have been born. Some of them just digitized the analogue forms, but some produced whole new artistic forms. In former times, image-, and sound-based arts required not only intellectual but physical skills as well. Nowadays, computer programming allows us to create new-styled artworks using only our intellectual skills. We don’t need our physical skills for that anymore. Computer technics is the fastest developing part of our world, which produces more and more new opportunities for art. Moleman shows you now a digital subculture, where artists don’t use always the latest technology, but their aim is also to bring out the best from 30 year-old computer technics.

The demoscene is a computer art subculture that specializes in producing demos, which are non-interactive audio-visual presentations that run in real-time on a computer. The main goal of a demo is to show off programming, artistic, and musical skills.

The demoscene first appeared during the 8-bit era on computers such as the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC, and came to prominence during the rise of the 16/32-bit home computers (the Amiga and the Atari ST). In the early years, demos had a strong connection with software cracking. When a cracked program was started, the cracker or his team would take credit with a graphical introduction called a “crack intro” (shortened cracktro). Later, the making of intros and standalone demos evolved into a new subculture independent of the software (piracy) scene.

czas trwania: ok 1,5h

wersja YT:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRkZcTg1JWU   430mb

wersja 720p z eng napisami:  http://scene.org/file.php?file=%2Fresou … p;fileinfo    1,9gb

wesja 1080p z eng napisami: http://scene.org/file.php?file=%2Fresou … p;fileinfo   4,6gb

opcjonalnie tamże do pobrania także wersje bez napisowe i oddzielnie napisy portugalskie, czeskie, francuskie, rosyjskie, włoskie, niemieckie i hiszpańskie. Może ktoś pokusi sie o dorobienie polskich.

Ogólnie film jest bardzo przyjemnie zmontowany a mnie osobiście bardzo spodobał sie fragment gdzie Sir Garbagetruck/Accession wyjaśnia istotę "stampowania znaczków" :D

strona domowa filmu: http://molemanfilm.com/

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Odp: Moleman 2 - The Art of the Algorithms (2012)

Dziś obejrzałem całość. Faktycznie, mocne skrzywienie na Commodore i PC, ale ogólnie ciekawe.

Atari: FireBee, (Falcon030 CT60e SuperVidel SvEthlana CTPCI), TT, (520ST Pak030 Frak PuPla Panther), (520ST 4MB ST RAM 8MB TT RAM CosmosEx SC1435), (1040STFM UltraSatan SM124), (1040STE 4MB ST RAM 8MB TT RAM CosmosEx NetUSBee SM144 SC1224), 260ST, 520 ST+, (MEGA ST SM125), (65XE Rapidus U1MB VBXE SIDE2 SIO2PC), (Jaguar SkunkBoard), Lynx II, 2x Portfolio


Odp: Moleman 2 - The Art of the Algorithms (2012)

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