Temat: [Z]: Thomson MO5 za Amstrad CPC 464 (green keys)
Zamenim / exchange Thomson MO5 za Amstrad CPC 464 model green keys.
Thomson MO5 is upgraded with SD-Card interface also motherboard is upgraded (fdd disk).
Its version with mechanical keyboard.
Why? I have PlayCity (soundcard) and want try ArkosTracker2 (9 channels YM). And playback on real hardware.
MO5 is amazing computer from France like A800 XE/XL with Motorola 6809 (very nice cpu) nice graphics 320 x 200 x 8 from 16, 16kb vram, 48kb ram.
There is cool site:
He is selling also HW author of this site.
PSG SN76489AN and FM OPL soundcards are under development:
Also few demos:
https://www.pouet.net/prodlist.php?plat … amp;page=1
I want this CPC 464:
But without monitor. There is on Allegro too. Best will be if you will be gfx artist or coder, hw geek, musician etc and support Thomson scene.
I have 2x MO6 its same but with 128kb ram. So want exchange.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Matej (2022-11-05 14:20:16)
7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX