Odp: co dalej ze sceną /|\ 8bit?
Akurat "Break It" od 1988 roku był WIP , ale jak na tyle lat to zmian niewiele ;)
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Akurat "Break It" od 1988 roku był WIP , ale jak na tyle lat to zmian niewiele ;)
This would be a great demo for an Atari 8-bit computer system. You can probably do something with multiple character sets, vertical and horizontal scrolling. I'd like to have short animated visuals for a future game I'm working on.
Be careful what you post about FlashJazzCat. He's gonna get you in trouble. Many people favor him here, AtariAge, Twitter, Facebook etc. Do not comment on any of his posts. The other people he mentions stay away from him and what happened. You should also.
na koty trzeba uwazac. mialem ostatnio przygode z kotem, somsiad sie przez niego na mnie obrazil, przyszedl do mnie i bredzil ze żone ma w szoku, że nie może się z nią dogadać bo cały czas jest zdezorientowana.
tlumacze mu, ze wracalismy wieczorem z pracy waska gorska droga gdy pod kola wyskoczyl na kot... obydwoje to poczulismy, spotkalismy sie wzrokiem i juz wiedzielismy - to hamulce... puscily.
nie zostalo nam wiele czasu, szarpalem kierownica w prawo, w lewo... krzyczala, ale to tylko pogorszylo sprawe, pedzilismy coraz szybciej, na szczescie na wysokich obrotach szybko oproznilem zbiornik paliwa
i skonczyl sie nasz ryzykowny rajd. cholerne koty...
Ostatnio edytowany przez xxl (2022-11-08 23:39:47)
"A potem się obudziłem..."
Bardzo scenowy post swoją drogą, poziom dyskusji rośnie z dnia na dzień.
Kończ Waść (Hobgoblina 2), wstydu oszczędź :-)
Ostatnio edytowany przez Jacques (2022-11-09 11:01:16)
Be careful what you post about FlashJazzCat. He's gonna get you in trouble. Many people favor him here, AtariAge, Twitter, Facebook etc. Do not comment on any of his posts. The other people he mentions stay away from him and what happened. You should also.
A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. Almost all of the people I mentioned got themselves into trouble and are (like XXL at AtariAge) permanently on the radar of forum and group admins. As for the others, if they can't get over a difference of opinion and being ridiculed for their pomposity, that's on them.
na koty trzeba uwazac. mialem ostatnio przygode z kotem, somsiad sie przez niego na mnie obrazil, przyszedl do mnie i bredzil ze żone ma w szoku, że nie może się z nią dogadać bo cały czas jest zdezorientowana.
tlumacze mu, ze wracalismy wieczorem z pracy waska gorska droga gdy pod kola wyskoczyl na kot... obydwoje to poczulismy, spotkalismy sie wzrokiem i juz wiedzielismy - to hamulce... puscily.
nie zostalo nam wiele czasu, szarpalem kierownica w prawo, w lewo... krzyczala, ale to tylko pogorszylo sprawe, pedzilismy coraz szybciej, na szczescie na wysokich obrotach szybko oproznilem zbiornik paliwai skonczyl sie nasz ryzykowny rajd. cholerne koty...
That's the best thing you've ever written.
Yes: you're living in my head for five minutes a month when I browse this forum. :D
Is this topic still about 'what's next for Atari', BTW, or has it turned into the XXL creative writing repository?
@xxl - z tym demkiem doskonały pomysł. Wreszcie napisałeś coś z sensem ;)
Ostatnio edytowany przez Pin (2022-11-10 17:18:23)
co ja patrze? donosisz mi ze ty i oni ciągle czekacie na mój ruch? kontroluję wasz czas. tak, nie da się ukryć... penetruję wasz umysł, ciągle o mnie myślisz.
what am i looking? are you reporting to me that you and they are still waiting for my move? I control your time. yes, it is impossible to hide ... I penetrate your mind, you are constantly thinking about me. :D
Like this reply. Good Answer. I know someone who has cloaking device technology for said radar. Are these other accounts gone for good? Have they been replaced? I checked in with this person and haven't written anything about AtariAge recently. I am sure that matters are monitored here as well and therefore I am careful to use searchable names.
theory of conspiracy... a dely jest kosmitą!
a dely jest kosmitą!
Błąd w rozumowaniu - Ziemia jest w kosmosie, więc wszyscy jesteśmy kosmitami :P
I don't have to live in other people's heads and be a few meters away, observing every move made, while being cloaked. I know every social media and forum post and no one knows I am there. Just take pictures or copy the link, and forward it to who it concerns the most.
Those are interesting posts about the Side3 Beta Loader and an unused Atari 65XE. Glad to see benign posts that are not about what other people on that social media page. Yes, we are watching. Don't worry, you are not the only one.
Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-11-22 17:49:09)
Akurat "Break It" od 1988 roku był WIP , ale jak na tyle lat to zmian niewiele ;)
Break-It looks like a good clone of Arkanoid. But changed so it is more unique.
I don't have to live in other people's heads and be a few meters away, observing every move made, while being cloaked. I know every social media and forum post and no one knows I am there. Just take pictures or copy the link, and forward it to who it concerns the most.
Very remininscent of some shill facebook accounts which advocate vandalism and assert that 'we have agents everywhere'. I wouldn't post anything I wasn't happy to have repeated elsewhere on public forums anyway, so why the idea of 'eyes everywhere' is supposed to be intimidating, I do not know. I know one individual from Buffalo, NY has been reading this thread, since the shill social media accounts were out in force only hours later. And why would he not read it, since it was said in public.
Those are interesting posts about the Side3 Beta Loader and an unused Atari 65XE.
I don't know where said posts are, but it's easy to contact me with bug reports (this being a beta) if the desire is to get things fixed and not simply to troll, and I just released a bug-fixed update the other day. Not that it was my idea to provide the beta on sold devices anyway (indeed, I initially prohibited this), and since I'm not responsible for the code which ensures the hardware behaves in a determinate manner on a given device, there is only so much I can do in terms of maintenance. ;)
Very remininscent of some shill facebook accounts which advocate vandalism and assert that 'we have agents everywhere'. I wouldn't post anything I wasn't happy to have repeated elsewhere on public forums anyway, so why the idea of 'eyes everywhere' is supposed to be intimidating, I do not know. I know one individual from Buffalo, NY has been reading this thread, since the shill social media accounts were out in force only hours later. And why would he not read it, since it was said in public.
Those are interesting posts about the Side3 Beta Loader and an unused Atari 65XE.
I don't know where said posts are, but it's easy to contact me with bug reports (this being a beta) if the desire is to get things fixed and not simply to troll, and I just released a bug-fixed update the other day. Not that it was my idea to provide the beta on sold devices anyway (indeed, I initially prohibited this), and since I'm not responsible for the code which ensures the hardware behaves in a determinate manner on a given device, there is only so much I can do in terms of maintenance. ;)
What we seek are those that cheat, scam, do things to gain access to financial and personal information, and do other malicious things. I can't give details about everything. Only when you receive messages or requests such as dating, porn, shopping sites or anywhere they send you and need to pay for. DON'T DO IT. Don't use your regular email or social media account to sign up for stuff they send you. These people are in countries with poor law enforcement. They have been flooding sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram with fake accounts. Usually these accounts just have some photos of a handsome young lady, along with their home, friends, or at their job. Just helping to shut down those who work with them here in America.
Looks like your Buffalo nemesis hasn't done much lately. The latest post is about the Animal Keeper 7800 version. See some things about Fast Basic. Are these supposed "Shill accounts" doing anything malicious for the reasons listed? It would give us some cause.
Well, I'd like to keep it this about Atari 8-bit scene. Personally, I wish more tools and languages would help me write programs. Disk File Tools. Has anyone done anything with longer filenames on an Atari 8 bit, more than 8.3? Since devices became more available that can access much more storage, like Side3, maybe get something going with DOS to manage all that.
Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-11-23 19:44:43)
Looks like your Buffalo nemesis hasn't done much lately. The latest post is about the Animal Keeper 7800 version. See some things about Fast Basic. Are these supposed "Shill accounts" doing anything malicious for the reasons listed? It would give us some cause.
On the contrary: the invocation worked like an absolute charm. :D
On the contrary: the invocation worked like an absolute charm. :D
I'm not sure what Buffalo Pete is promoting with fake accounts. I'm sure many here just enjoy watching games continue to be made. Was there something about his games or Video61 products? It seems that all those who reply to group posts are real people. Nothing inside the group about what's going on here.
Now you can argue with people endlessly on social media, and they respond. It will last indefinitely.
Video61 runs a business, and an associate who does bad things doesn't look good. Is Lance aware of what's going on?
[edit] I missed that attached photo earlier, maybe the post got edited, or the page did not load correctly.
Most people will not know what that is about. Would not call that shilling, more like geared at provoking. Some of the other photos have been floating around social media and copied into that account. Some with brief comments. Camouflage?
Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-11-26 12:57:48)
My ideas about longer file names is doing something similar to what Microsoft did with Windows. They use two or more entries in the directory to contain all the characters for a filename. The attribute byte has 8-bits, and sure not all of them are used. I know the Atari uses them for protected, deleted, system, but not using all 8-bits. So use one to specify longer filename. Maybe add this feature to the Sparta Dos X cartridge that we load onto an AtariMax cartridge.
The other is to use the high bit (128) in each file name to indicate attributes instead of a separate attribute byte. Since all the ASCII characters in a file name can be 0-127, it would work.
wlasciwie to ciekawy przypadek ewolucji w patoscene... kiedys na scenie powstawaly specjalne produkcje z fuckami
a dzis?
wrazliwa dziewczynka skarzy sie swiatu w mediach spolecznosciowych ze jej uczucia sa deptane.
no i przy tej okazji żebra zbiorke.
a gdzie produkcja na atari !!!
XXL Sprawdź swoje prywatne wiadomości. Przesłałem pewne informacje, które są przeznaczone wyłącznie dla twoich oczu.
[XXL Please check your private messages. I have forwarded some information that is for your eyes only. ]
I know about the "Prince of Persia" thread on the AtariAge forums. People will annoy, embarrass and intimidate you when you do things they don't like. The fights will go on forever. Don't use profanity, it will give the admin an excuse to ban you. You can also create a duplicate thread on Atari.IO where everything is more civilized. Harassment of people working on games is not welcome.
The Atari Prince of Persia 8-bit port has been well put together by the developers, and many appreciate a good job. No one likes to see how they are treated on the other forum. Game program developers were pushed into a corner, who took action which resulted in them being banned. This has all happened before...it will happen again.
Ostatnio edytowany przez PeteyM5 (2022-11-27 01:16:34)
This has all happened before...it will happen again
Ostatnio edytowany przez Jacques (2022-11-27 11:16:37)
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