Temat: Głuchołazy - Wroclaw Airport

Hey friends,

another year another summer trip to Polska!! I just have booked my flight from Munich to Wroclaw. I could need a pickup. Last year I was lucky that Bob!k/CPU helped me.

Is there by any chance somebody who lives in Wroclaw / region planing to drive to Glucholazy? This is my flight:

Flug: LH3328
Datum: Juli 25, 2008
Reiseverlauf: München, Franz Josef Strauss - Wroclaw
Abflug: 17:05
Ankunft: 18:25

Flug: LO385
Datum: Juli 27, 2008
Reiseverlauf: Wroclaw - München, Franz Josef Strauss
Abflug: 17:25
Ankunft: 19:00

many thanks and see ya all soon!!


Odp: Głuchołazy - Wroclaw Airport

http://wrosystem.um.wroc.pl/beta_4/webd … _19.04.pdf
on this link u will find a schedule of buses to city nysa and from there u should find alot of buses to glucholazy, if u will have some problems or u dont find any buses from nysa city  there is my mobile numer 0048500141560 .

Wiedza na temat tego co było jest niezbędna w celu właściwej oceny tego co jest obecnie ,oraz kształtowania tego co będzie póżniej.


Odp: Głuchołazy - Wroclaw Airport

Hey Ryszard,

It seems to be very reasonable to take the bus to Nysa, thanks for the tip!!



Odp: Głuchołazy - Wroclaw Airport

Hello there twh,
If you still need a pickup i might help you. I was planning to go to Glucholazy after work (aprox. 16.00), but if you are still interested, I can wait few hours. My mobile is +48660686535, feel free to call.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Maestr0 (2008-07-24 17:05:44)


Odp: Głuchołazy - Wroclaw Airport


thanks you very very much for your help and the nice day we had in Wroclaw! Long live the spirit of the polish atari scene, you guys rock!!

Pawel, regarding the Oktoberfest please contact me: twh at arcor de
