Temat: Multi-Protracker...

Hello folks,
as I have seen, there is a new versin of TMC available, created by Jaskier/Taquart. Afaik, Jaskier is also the author of Multi-Protracker. So how about updating Multi-Protracker for:
- two Pokeys (Stereo)
- four Pokeys (quadruple Pokey)
- Covox enhancement (8 Bit Samples!)
and other nice things. Well, I am not a musician, but I always liked the MPT sounds much better than the TMC sounds (maybe this will change with TMC 2.x). So why not upgrade MPT ... ?!? greetings, Andreas magenheimer.


Odp: Multi-Protracker...

Well, Jaskier is not (and has never been) author of MPT. MPT was developed by Adam Bienias, known as Soused Teat or SoTe.
And SoTe doesn't play with JIL anymore :(

: 404. Stopka not found


Odp: Multi-Protracker...

MPT is not Multi Protracker but Music Protracker, and Jaskier is not an author of MPT. MPT is written by Adam Bienias aka Sote/Slight :)

Czy możecie wyjaśnić, Stirlitz, dlaczego wasz służbowy adres stirlitz@rsha.gov.de ma aliasa justas@gru.su?
Nie czytam PM. Proszę używać e-mail.


Odp: Multi-Protracker...

Dely, do you ever read what other people write?
You think information gets more informative when it's repeated? :)

: 404. Stopka not found


Odp: Multi-Protracker...

Huh, i`m reading ;)

Otworzylem ten watek w pracy i musialem cos szybko zrobic, w miedzyczasie napisales odpowiedz, a ja pozniej dopisalem.

Sorry ;)

Czy możecie wyjaśnić, Stirlitz, dlaczego wasz służbowy adres stirlitz@rsha.gov.de ma aliasa justas@gru.su?
Nie czytam PM. Proszę używać e-mail.


Odp: Multi-Protracker...

thanks for your replies. It is very sad that SoTe left the little Atari. Would have liked to see an update of MPT... But well, thats Atari life - the good ones leave too soon...   greetings, Andreas.


Odp: Multi-Protracker...

I think all your wishes can be made by changing the replayer. It can be done without SoTe. On my page You can find PLA99.ASM which is my version of standard MPT player. If You are a coder You can start working now :)

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