Temat: STM32 Cartridge

I have crazy idea. What about STM32 cartridge. It will make faster only some of CPU instructions so
Atari will stays Atari. For demos or to have hundred sprites on screen...?
Why STM32? Its cheaper than ATMEL and more common than PIC. It is 32bit... Bigger EEPROM, RAM in MCU.
There will be no new graphics, no new sound. Only massive CPU upgrade but only for some instructions.

Bad or good idea?

7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX


Odp: STM32 Cartridge

Do you know Veronica project?
http://atariage.com/forums/topic/164097 … -veronica/

hex, code and ror'n'rol
niewiedza buduje, wiedza rujnuje


Odp: STM32 Cartridge

or Tomek-8




Odp: STM32 Cartridge

Third crazy idea :)
Well, I mean, another good one :)


Odp: STM32 Cartridge

Of course, but maybe one of them would be enough.

Edit: Veronica is ready to buy.

Ostatnio edytowany przez mono (2016-02-09 22:43:53)

hex, code and ror'n'rol
niewiedza buduje, wiedza rujnuje


Odp: STM32 Cartridge

Może i tak, choć dla posiadaczy takiego SIDE to marna uciecha. Z czego pamiętam cart niestety nie jest przelotowy - a szkoda.

ADRES: pin@atari.pl - konto zlikwidowane. Aktualny adres: pin(at)atari8.info


Odp: STM32 Cartridge

I have made post on AtariAge too...
http://atariage.com/forums/topic/248988 … cartridge/

I know there is Veronica. It is beautiful but price of 65816 is higher than STM32 (10 Euro).
I know there is very nice Tomek8 but as I wrote PIC is not so powerful as same priced STM32...
But you can get STM32 in huge quantities...
I somewhere read something exactly same exists for ColecoVision or 2600...

For example 6502 emulator on STM32:

"On that dev board, the CPU runs at 168MHz and the emulated speed of the 6502 is 18MHz."

Thats almost 10x+ faster as original Atari.

And there is also 180MHz model STM32...

Price is 10Euro... for  STM32F407VGT6:
32 Bit Microcontroller, Ethernet MAC, Camera Interface, ARM Cortex-M4, 168 MHz, 1 MB, 196 KB, 100

Maybe we can have Ethernet too on that cartridge for multiplayer games.
I can imagine NUMEN engine shooter and LANPARTY! like QUAKE!
Or DUNE2 / Settlers 2 game !!! Multiplayer / online...
This will adds new dimension to our ATARIs... Playing games together. New speed for CPU.
Lot of sprites, pokey sample playback etc etc... So it will be turbocard but also will accelerate graphics and sound.
Plus online multiplayer gaming or local LAN party as bonus.

Lets brainstorm this.

I can imagine games in hires with huge sprites. Or 160x200 games with ultra fast scrolling (space shooter) for example.
Or vector game with samples. Or 3D demo looking almost like from Amiga 500...
When price of cartridge will be 20-30Euro. Everyone will be able to buy it.

Ostatnio edytowany przez Matej (2016-02-10 13:44:59)

7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX


Odp: STM32 Cartridge

tinctu napisał/a:

Maybe we can have Ethernet too on that cartridge for multiplayer games.
I can imagine NUMEN engine shooter and LANPARTY! like QUAKE!
Or DUNE2 / Settlers 2 game !!! Multiplayer / online...

tinctu napisał/a:

When price of cartridge will be 20-30Euro. Everyone will be able to buy it.

Make a device which connects Atari 8bit keyboard to PC. It will be even cheaper.

Czy możecie wyjaśnić, Stirlitz, dlaczego wasz służbowy adres stirlitz@rsha.gov.de ma aliasa justas@gru.su?
Nie czytam PM. Proszę używać e-mail.


Odp: STM32 Cartridge

Ahh thats true. So I am waiting for Rapidus...

7x130XE + 3xAtari Falcon030 + 1xTT03 + 2xST-ATX