(94 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Jacques napisał/a:

Thank you in advance for at least looking at it, whenever possible and whatever the outcome will be :-)

Mini-bank at $D500-$D5FF isn't doable without FPGA changes, unfortunately.


(94 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

Pin napisał/a:

Czy donacje mogły by te plany zasadniczo zmienić? ;)

I don't mind commercial hardware developers promising me income to secure large amounts of my time (which is no longer happening since Lotharek decided to break all the toys and Candle put all the WIP projects on PCBWay), but taking donations up-front from end-users before any work is done isn't something I will do. Donations after the fact: no problem. Another user has wanted me to port the loader to the MYIDEII cart for literally years on end, and even offered to pay. But I won't take the money because I doubt I will ever have the time or inclination to do the job. ;)


(94 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

I'll have a look at DCART support. Might be doable with no FPGA changes.

There are no plans to port the U1MB/SIDE loader to IDE Plus. That doesn't mean it couldn't happen, just that there are no plans. ;)


(48 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

Pin napisał/a:

Chętnie (w miarę moich skromnych możliwości) wesprę inicjatywę napisania sterownika R/W dla FAT16 i Sparta DOS X, może nawet w grupie kilku osób, wsparcie będzie bardziej motywujące ;)

Unfortunately writing file system driver extensions for SPARTA.SYS happens to be one area not yet explained by the SpartaDOS X programming manual, otherwise it would already be done.


(48 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

lopez napisał/a:

Tak fatfs.sys potrzebuje trochę czasu na utworzenie indeksów (chyba?). Ale nie trwa to strasznie długo. Szkoda jedynie, że jest tylko do odczytu.

I offered to help make it R/W since I already wrote a R/W FAT DOS16/32 DOS for the SIDE3 Loader but never received any response to the offer. Presumably they have everything in hand, then. ;)


(48 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

piomet napisał/a:

Dla potomnych. Przy zakładaniu partycji FAT16 pod Windows musi być ona PRIMARY, nie LOGICAL. Teraz widać ją pod Spartą po załadowaniu FATFS.SYS. Przytrzymanie przycisku na AVG (tego koło RESET) podczas włączania Atari emuluje SIDE2.
Teraz pytanie. Pod Spartą DIR zajmuje chwilę czasu dla partycji 2Gb. Czy uda się założenie kilku mniejszych partycji EXTERNAL jak zrobimy kilka partycji FAT16?

The FAT partition doesn't have to be primary at all, but in current versions of the firmware, the APT does. This was presumably your problem. I'll be lifting that requirement too in subsequent versions.


(11 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

zaxon napisał/a:

Z tym update/downgrade  JED poprzez  Atari i soft FJC  sugeruję bardzo  uważać bo próbowałem to zrobić  . W efekcie  kompletnie zbrickowałem nowe SIDE.  Mam teraz trupka w szufladzie ;)

To elaborate on what Pecus already wrote:

The GoWin-CPLD SIDE 3.2 which is the subject of the video is not compatible with Lattice JED files and anyway lacks the 'Wishbone' interface necessary for JED/bitstream programming via software. Clearly what you have done is brick a SIDE 3.0/3.1 using the Wishbone JED flasher, which - although I pleaded for field-testing of the tool - was apparently tested by no-one but myself and Candle. This situation - while certainly offering further evidence of poor project management and inadequate testing - has no direct relevance to JED upgrades and downgrades on GoWin-equipped SIDE 3.2 cartridges.

At this point, with the product withdrawn, I am sure that those in possession of a Lattice platform cable and in need of a JED file for the purposes of de-bricking could reasonably ask the vendor/manufacturer to provide it, but what the reaction will be if the email is signed 'Yours, Zaxon', I cannot say for sure. :)

I'll be perfectly happy to recover/downgrade/upgrade/whatever any SIDE3, 3.1 or 3.2 cartridge the owner wants to send me, and as I understand it, the manufacturer has offered to perform JED 1.3 downgrades on SIDE 3.2 cartridges as a potential solution to the problems discussed in my video if the user prefers that to a refund.


(11 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

I have no doubt.


(11 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

Get the JED downgraded and take it from there. The cartridges in the video with JED 2.3 were incapable of loading large CAR files as well until they were downgraded to JED 1.3... I simply never got as far as showing that.


(117 odpowiedzi, napisanych Programowanie - 8 bit)

I asked @tebe about the ability to generate multiple RELOC blocks in the same source file more than ten years ago, so I figured it might not be too soon to bring it up again. :)

Instructions claim it's possible:


In practice, however, this results in a compiler error ('ORG in reloc block', etc). To be clear, what I was hoping to accomplish is exactly what's already supported by the SDX relocatable format (multiple reloc blocks of different types with inter-block references included in the fix-up table) but without the annoying limitations of said SDX relocatable format (eight character label names, no lo/hi fixups, etc).

For clarity, perhaps an example will help:

blk absolute $3000    ; loads at arbitary address, and is jettisoned after use

    jsr something

    blk reloc main    ; loader relocates this block down to MEMLO in base memory

    ; do stuff

    blk reloc ext    ; loader relocates this block into extended memory (if available)
    ; do more stuff

    blk update address    ; produce fixup table    


(402 odpowiedzi, napisanych Fabryka - 8bit)

What an absolutely remarkable coincidence.


(5 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

_tzok_ napisał/a:

Side2/3 nie ma jakieś "specjalnej" współpracy z U1MB, poza faktem, że firmware dla nich tworzyła ta sama osoba.

Inaccurate. Although SIDE2/3 can work 'stand-alone' (i.e. without U1MB), U1MB integrates tightly with both on the software side, and the hardware design makes similar provisions. The SIDE2/3 loader, for instance, mounts ATRs by calling functions which exist nowhere other than the PBI BIOS of U1MB.


(34 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I do not see any videos where "FredMark" posted a comment, mine or FlashJazzCats.

Yeah, because I deleted it, but I kept a copy:


This is indelibly you on at least three signature counts, which I suppose explains your interest in whether there are any extant comments belonging to the account. Not that there are any laws against having multiple YouTube accounts (or against criticising content), so why deny it? :D


(34 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

Speaking of videos: is your 'Fred Markus (FredMark)' YouTube account going to upload any content, or are you just using it to make incognito remarks under people's videos? Subbed, anyway. :D



(188 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

I fear this would result in much coffee spillage unless one was sure the cup was empty. :D


(39 odpowiedzi, napisanych Software, Gry - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

I do not create these threats just for attention

Freudian slip. You might want to correct that.


(893 odpowiedzi, napisanych Scena - 8bit)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

Someone monitors my YouTube channel

Congratulations on the subscriber.


(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

PeteyM5 napisał/a:

The sound gap issue was never considered major, as it was never known to crash the system while running on real hardware.

Indeed. What we might call 'cosmetic' issues are less critical than bugs which cause crashing, but once your software doesn't crash, the next thing is to improve the presentation. The most noticeable thing about the presentation happened to be the gaps in the music, and normally it would be enough for one person to pass remark on this, and for the problem to be acknowledged by you (as it now is, some years later) and added to the 'known issues' list. But no: you chose to deny the problem existed and claimed that people were slowing the video down in order to manufacture problems where none existed, which in turn caused more commentators to remark 'No - the problem exists and is quite easy to spot'. You're responsible for turning something relatively insignificant into a point of contention about which you have apparently remained indignant and embittered for several years, before finally admitting what everyone else was saying from the start: the problem exists, but isn't a big deal as long as it's acknowledged and eventually fixed.

What I discovered, a call to RMT Silence will cause RMT to be silent for one RMT Play call, until another RMT Play call is made. It was better to just write 0s to the Pokey Registers so the next RMT Play will immediately make a sound. The new screen draw does not contain many loop processes that run very long, so checking the VCOUNT thing would not have worked. It was easier to look at the processes during new screen draw and estimate where the program is at when a new frame starts, and add a RMT Play Call. This was a very simple fix to the sound gap issue. The final version will run without any disturbing sound gaps.

Great. Until you discovered the cause of the issue, you could have written - three or four years ago - 'I will have a look at the music gap issue - thanks for pointing it out'. But instead it turned into a tremendous psycho-drama spanning years.

The Facebook accounts mentioned have been gone now. What is most important that these accounts are offline and currently not a problem.

Where to start with this? The accounts mentioned have 'been gone', but what about the accounts we didn't mention yet? I know of at least one which is still active as I write this, as do you (since you haven't deactivated it yet). And what does 'are offline' mean? I assume it doesn't mean 'permanently deleted', especially since you add that they are 'currently not a problem', implying that they may soon be a problem again, once you reactivate them within the thirty day account deletion grace period. Temporary deactivation of sock-puppet accounts is not the most important consideration by any means. On the contrary, it's an attempt to divert attention from the most important issue, which is that you're still incapable of unambiguously owning up to creating and maintaining those accounts, and still incapable of getting rid of them, once and for all.

You've acknowledged and taken ownership of the 'sound gap' issue, so keep going in that same positive vein and take ownership of the other issues (Facebook, emails, etc). I'm pretty sure you'd eventually be glad you did.


(27 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

DiskDoctor napisał/a:


Excellent, and well done to perinoid for spotting what I had missed regarding the beloved Rapidus. :)


(27 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

DiskDoctor napisał/a:

And how to install FJC SIDE2 U1MB firmware?

Eh? If you're updating from Candle's stock firmware, do so using the second set of instruction in my prior post. You might want to flash the whole ROM with ULTIMATE.ROM, thus updating SDX, OS ROMs, and firmware in one operation.


(27 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

Right, I've just done the upgrade using AVG. With FJC SIDE2 U1MB firmware installed on the U1MB:

1. Make sure the PBI HDD and SDX are enabled in U1MB settings
2. Put the U1MB FIRMWARE.ATR disk image on the SD card
3. Power on the machine with AVG/SD card inserted and right AVG button held down
4. Go back to the U1MB setup menu with HELP+RESET, and press 'L' to start the SIDE loader
5. Find the FIRMWARE.ATR file, press TAB and set it as D1: without restarting the system
6. Go to the U1MB setup menu with HELP+RESET and press 'C' to reboot the system
7. Once SDX has booted, type UFLASH.XEX and upgrade the firmware

With Candle firmware (not tested, but sure to work since the above steps work):

1. Make sure 'SIDE Hardware' and SDX are enabled in U1MB settings
2. Put the U1MB FIRMWARE.ATR disk image on the SD card
3. Power on the machine with AVG/SD card inserted and right AVG button held down
4. Go back to the U1MB setup menu with HELP+RESET, and press 'L' to start the SIDE loader
5. Find the FIRMWARE.ATR file, press SPACE to tag the image as D1:
6. Go to the U1MB setup menu with HELP+RESET and press 'C' to reboot the system
7. Once SDX has booted, type UFLASH.XEX and upgrade the firmware

Basically, both methods are identical to the procedure already described in the firmware installation guide with the exception of putting AVG into SIDE emulation mode by holding the button down during power-up.


(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

xxl napisał/a:

żona, cała roztrzęsiona dzwoniła, jest w szoku co tu się wyrabia



(33 odpowiedzi, napisanych Bałagan)

Jacques napisał/a:

And having read you wished death to someone, it says 1000x more than is needed.

To complement what Albert already posted, here's the email Sal forwarded me in December last year when he was gravely ill:


One hardly knows where to begin here, but - aside from the peak schadenfreude on display - the idea that Sal had to point out the 'music gaps' and/or that they were only made manifest by YouTube encoding or specialised analytical equipment is laughable. I remember the remarks concerning chaotic scene transitions and - latterly - glitching music; commentators became frustrated not by flaws in pre-release software, but because the author appeared totally unaware of said flaws, and - when pressed on the matter - was absolutely unwilling to acknowledge their existence, resorting to such ridiculous extremes as accusing viewers of playing the YT video back at half-speed in an attempt to magnify problems that were already impossible to overlook anyway.

The normal transaction is that one offers one's work for appraisal (and I assume anyone publicising a YouTube video of their game wants it to be appraised), receives constructive criticism, separates bugs from feature requests and subjective value judgements, acknowledges any issues, and fixes the problems. But if the author is capable of bearing a grudge regarding comments on 'gaps in the music' (something which would have long ago been forgotten by all observers had Peter himself not taken every available opportunity to remind them) for three or four years, such that he is determined to this day to 'throw it back in their faces' by way of vengeance, I have to wonder why they participate in online activities of any kind, given how badly they react to bug reports and constructive criticism.

Instead of blaming a specious AtariAge conspiracy for the negative feedback received regarding game presentation, bugs, cartridge labels, etc, it might be better to blame the game presentation, bugs, and cartridge labels, as well as the flagrant shilling employed to misrepresent the public reaction to demos and products. I don't think Peter is personally sympathetic to the kind of victim-status endlessly peddled in today's society by those incapable of being criticised, and yet he seeks to 'play the victim' in exactly the same way. Speaking for myself, it's not that I have any particular desire to endlessly regurgitate a synopsis of events which happened three years ago, and it would have faded from memory by now had Peter not persisted in sending me DMs, emails and friend requests using sock-puppet Facebook and email accounts to get around the fact I had blocked his main account and - latterly - each sock-puppet account from which I received unsolicited messages. Well, let's call it what it is: spam. Normally spam is impersonal and goes in the junk mail folder, but since I knew (and have known for three years) damn well who was originating all this stuff, I'm afraid it has to be dealt with at source.


(27 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

DiskDoctor napisał/a:

Opcja pierwsza (AVG, z klawiszem C) nie poskutkowała.

Sorry - I'm confused. I thought you were trying to reboot the system from the U1MB setup menu.

139 Device NAK

Depends what happened between running UFLASH and seeing a NAK error. :)


(27 odpowiedzi, napisanych Sprzęt - 8bit)

DiskDoctor napisał/a:

So how to achieve this?

I forget, since I rarely use AVG, but it will be described here:
